Category: 5th Year Field Experiences

Native seeds, after a period of cold stratification,are ready to get going for spring growth.


Comparing, building, testing cars built from K’nex pieces is the basis for future engineers.

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Another enthusiastic independent project included the exploration of electrical circuits.


Eyeball ornaments demonstrated students’ learning and enthusiasm for the eye!


Students examined (up-close) the parts of a cow’s eye!



Native plant seeds are different shapes, colors, and sizes. Students used the seeds to learn about the needs of the seeds.  Surprising discoveries were made about the final height of the plants when compared to the tiny seeds!

Experiments and observations about the work of rods and cones and their roles in color and light perception were conducted in the lab.


Collecting and cleaning seeds, planting trees, are all stewardship activities in preparing for winter.

Fungi: In the late fall, parchment fungi and shelf fungi were found in the field and brought inside for examination under the microscopes.



Students conducted experiments in the lab to understand the ways that the human eye responds to light and color.